COMMANDseries V3 Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the COMMANDseries V3 product line. Users may submit, view and vote on value-added ideas submitted by all users.

Route Retention for MapIt Integration

Allow the user to retain the turn-by-turn directions from their shipping plant to the intended delivery address. This allows for optimal route planning to get product to the customer in an efficient and determined manner. These routes would be created using the integrated FiveCubits MapIt software and sent back to CommandSeries to be attached to the order and used by the driver for any tickets made later.

Additional Features:

Routes can be dragged/adjusted to fit certain needs not accounted for by mapping system. I.e. short term road closures, weather related issues specific to certain paths, even more local paths that are known to be quicker during different parts of the day.

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  • Jul 12 2018
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